Past Projects

A few things I have made. . .(more pictures to be added)

Blanket for Jessie

For a brave little girl facing unimaginable surgery. . .hope to get it into the mail this weekend. . .round ripple, double strand of yarn.

In Memorium

Rest in Peace, RandyB.

We know you're watching over the monorail loop now from a perfect vantage point high above it. . .we'll miss you, buddy.

Pics. . .

Sorry, not another installment of our Trip report, which is going to be added soon I promise. . .but needed to upload a couple pics so here they are. . .

Wall-E Model, on display at Disney's Hollywood Studios, picture taken in April 2008 by my husband, please do not reproduce it elsewhere.

Also, the first picture of my "monorail kitchen" with more to follow. . .
